These hot days, under the oppressive sun, we were in a corner of the camp for the photo reportage mission. Nyarugusu camps are surrounded by fields and several Congolese and Burundian refugees have some places to cultivate. From a corner we saw a boy, who was working in a bush in the middle of the village in zone 2. He said they wanted to create a garden where they could grow vegetables.

We met these two young farmers who are coming back to the camp, he told us: "Of course we come back from the field, since the morning we were on the ground and this field is outside the camps so very close to the Tanzanian village "Nyarugusu kijijini", it is not our own field, we are simple cultivators and the owner of the camp paid us in hectares."

The next question was whether they are paid and how much per hectare, but these young farmers did not answer the question, that the wages are a secret. But we encouraged such an effort to find the bread for the day.


Nyarugusu refugee camp