The new sign installed in a public place announces: Procedures for the voluntary return of Burundian refugees. The image explains us how the Burundian refugees regret to return home. It is stressed here that it is voluntary to initiate the return procedures to the country of origin. The question is, why do the refugees regret leaving Tanzanian soil?

In fact, everyone likes to live in his country and invest to participate in the development of the country. And what to say to refugees whose doubt the commitments to return to their country of origin? We had asked all of this questions to the Burundian refugees. Their reaction seems to be the same because Burundi has not yet had a just peace and they are also heading for the elections.

What will Burundi be after the elections? A Burundian refugee asked us this question and insisted that he will start the procedures for returning to his country of origin after the elections. Finally, he adds that if the elections are not free and transparent, he will not leave Tanzania. He prophesied that if the president elected by the majority of the populations were not proclaimed president, it would be  the beginning of the demonstrations and of the insecurity.

Another refugee, who is already in the process of returning, reinforces the others by saying that Burundi is our country and that we are consciously returning. He adds a slogan in Swahili: "Mukimbiya kwao ni mtumwa" it means that "Whoever flees his country is a slave in other countries".

He explained the slogan that several Burundian refugees work in the area of ​​Tanzanians near the refugee camp and that others leave the camp clandestinely to look for work in Tanzanian villages, all this does not motivate us to stay in exile.

I have to note, several refugees decided to register for return to their country of origin after the closure system of large market from Muungano to Nyarugusu.

In Burundi, it is not only insecurity that makes refugees doubtful to return home but also famines. Some wanted to stay in Nyarugusu thanks to WFP food and the various activities of the shops. Despite all this, they consider their small goods, which are forbidden in Nyarugusu, and for that purpose they set out on a journey back to the to the country of Burundi.

Nyarugusu refugee camp