Everyone around the world has their own nature and way of life. We have encountered several such cases in the camps.

One child stood aside from the other children. It was told us, he doesn't want to play with other kids because he doesn't like their mocking games.

The second child tells us that he doesn't stay at home, he wants to be on the market with his mother.

The third child was barefoot. The boy told us that his friends took his sandals off because he lost them while playing card games. When he returned home, his mother told him angrily to get these sandals back as quickly as possible. This child told us his story and assured us that when he found his sandals, he would stop playing card games with these friends.

The fourth child was a girl, telling us that she worked hard if she was alone. She is distracted when she is with his friends. That's why she sometimes leaves them to work well.

The fifth child, who loves his mother, told us that his mother had left without saying goodbye, although it was planned to leave together. He doesn't even want to play with his brother, listening to hear her mother on the road. And he leaves to wait for his mother on the road.

Nyarugusu refugee camp